Monday, March 30, 2015

Class 7, Assignment 1: Second Life

The following images are the screenshots from me exploring Second Life.
1-1. Exploring Easter Town and just walking around in Second Life

1-2. Exploring Easter Town and asking question to an user about events going on

2-1. Exploring Hollywood Airport and asking a question about the functions of this location

2-2. Exploring Hollywood Airport and asking at the counter about tickets and other information

3-1. Exploring Hyde Park in London, and I am exploring the Easter Event information board

3-2. Exploring Hyde Park in London and asking one of the admins for further information on the Easter events going on here

4-1. Exploring Mediterranean Garden and looking around this location

4-2. Exploring Mediterranean Garden and asking a stranger about the events here

5-1. I found a location named shelter, and observing the environment

5-2. At shelter, I asked questions about this dance event and explored the facilities in the shelter

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